Grey's Funeral Home

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Eircode E41 Tr83

Dedicated To Those We Are Privileged To Serve

We like to move with the times and we’ve listened to demand for funerals with a low carbon impact. 

This has resulted in big investments on our part.

Our recently installed solar panels are now producing most of the electricity to power our lights which are all led low power lights, this new system has just recently been installed, but I believe from monitoring the panels on it, we will have enough power from the system to run our building most days. Our hot water solar panels have been in place for over 15 Years and have produced enough hot water for us to conduct our daily tasks. i believe both of these solar systems will make us very environmentally friendly.
We have biodegradable  cups allowing you to enjoy your  beverages during your visit to us and still helping the environment, all our waste is carefully managed to ensure as much recycling as possible. Our vehicles are very modern thus having the most up to date low emission levels.

An area we have now developed is Sean Grey’s room which is now used for cremation services, we believe this seriously reduces  car journeys to and from the crematorium as all services are now held within our home, something very welcome to families cutting down a very traumatic journey to and from a strange building and environment, having services conducted in a familiar building and leaving the service to a familiar local surrounds, has brought serious comfort to grieving families and as most of these services are held during the day, our solar panels provide all the electricity needed, reducing our carbon print dramatically . 

I believe a big misconception or maybe just miss information being passed is that Embalming as carried out by Funeral Homes is harmful to the environment, Our use of formaldehyde in the process is so minute that studies carried out in the United States on waste water systems in Funeral Homes, showed absolutely no trace of formaldehyde whatsoever, I believe this is because the amount used during the Funeral Home process of presenting a Deceased for viewing is so slight. We use so little  formaldehyde and it is diluted in such large quantities of water, so it will produce a natural appearance which leaves a nice picture and lasting memory for the Bereaved. I believe the amount spilled which would then end up in the waste water system, would be less than two table spoons and as this is already diluted to such minimum quantities, that when it’s further diluted in all other waste water leaving the Funeral Home, it is completely untraceable.